class Artwork
Artwork associated with a MuzeiArtProvider.
Artwork can be constructed using the empty constructor and the setter methods found on the Artwork object itself or by using the Builder.
Artwork can then be added to a MuzeiArtProvider by calling addArtwork(Artwork) directly from within a MuzeiArtProvider or by creating a ProviderClient and calling ProviderClient.addArtwork from anywhere in your application.
The static Artwork.fromCursor method allows you to convert a row retrieved from a MuzeiArtProvider into Artwork instance.
Builder |
A builder-style, fluent interface for creating Artwork objects. class Builder |
<init> |
Construct a new Artwork. Artwork(title: String?, byline: String? = null, attribution: String? = null, token: String? = null, persistentUri: Uri? = null, webUri: Uri? = null, metadata: String? = null) |
attribution |
The artwork's user-visible attribution text. val attribution: String? |
byline |
The artwork's user-visible byline, usually containing the author and date. val byline: String? |
data |
The File where a local copy of this artwork is stored. When first inserted, this file most certainly does not exist and will be created from the InputStream returned by MuzeiArtProvider.openFile. val data: File |
dateAdded |
The date this artwork was initially added to its MuzeiArtProvider. val dateAdded: Date |
dateModified |
The date of the last modification of the artwork (i.e., the last time it was updated). This will initially be equal to the dateAdded. val dateModified: Date |
id |
The ID assigned to this Artwork by its MuzeiArtProvider. val id: Long |
metadata |
The provider specific metadata about the artwork. val metadata: String? |
persistentUri |
The artwork's persistent URI, which must resolve to a JPEG or PNG image, ideally under 5MB. Your app should have long-lived access to this URI. val persistentUri: Uri? |
title |
The artwork's user-visible title. val title: String? |
token |
The token that uniquely defines the artwork. val token: String? |
webUri |
The artwork's web URI. This is used by default in MuzeiArtProvider.getArtworkInfo to allow the user to view more details about the artwork. val webUri: Uri? |
fromCursor |
Converts the current row of the given Cursor to an Artwork object. The assumption is that this Cursor was retrieve from a MuzeiArtProvider and has the columns listed in ProviderContract.Artwork. fun fromCursor(data: Cursor): Artwork |